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Passed to the handler of the `announcementFinished event.

type announcementResult = {
announcement: string,
success: bool,

where announcement is the string announced by the screen reader and success is a bool indicating whether the announcement was successfully made.



iOS only

To query whether bold text is currently enabled. Promise resolves to true when bold text is enabled and false otherwise.

isBoldTextEnabled: unit => Js.Promise.t(bool)


iOS only

To query whether grayscale is currently enabled. Promise resolves to true when grayscale is enabled and false otherwise.

isGrayscaleEnabled: unit => Js.Promise.t(bool)


iOS only

To query whether invert colors is currently enabled. Promise resolves to true when invert colors is enabled and false otherwise.

isInvertColorsEnabled: unit => Js.Promise.t(bool)


To query whether reduce motion is currently enabled. Promise resolves to true when reduce motion is enabled and false otherwise.

isReduceMotionEnabled: unit => Js.Promise.t(bool)


iOS only

To query whether reduce transparency is currently enabled. Promise resolves to true when reduce transparency is enabled and false otherwise.

isReduceTransparencyEnabled: unit => Js.Promise.t(bool)


To query whether screen reader is currently enabled. Promise resolves to true when screen reader is enabled and false otherwise.

isScreenReaderEnabled: unit => Js.Promise.t(bool)


To set accessibility focus to a React component, identified by its nodeHandle. On Android, this is equivalent to UIManager.sendAccessibilityEvent(reactTag, UIManager.AccessibilityEventTypes.typeViewFocused)

setAccessibilityFocus: NativeTypes.nodeHandle => unit


To post a string to be announced by the screen reader.

announceForAccessibility: string => unit


Add an event handler.

addEventListener: [
| #boldTextChanged(bool => unit)
| #grayscaleChanged(bool => unit)
| #invertColorsChanged(bool => unit)
| #reduceMotionChanged(bool => unit)
| #screenReaderChanged(bool => unit)
| #reduceTransparencyChanged(bool => unit)
| #announcementFinished(announcementResult => unit)
] => unit

Supported events:

  • boldTextChanged(bool => unit): iOS only. Fires when state of the bold text toggle changes. The argument to the event handler is a bool which is true when bold text is enabled and false otherwise.
  • grayscaleChanged(bool => unit): iOS only. Fires when state of the gray scale toggle changes. The argument to the event handler is a bool which is true when gray scale is enabled and false otherwise.
  • invertColorsChanged(bool => unit): iOS only. Fires when state of the invert colors toggle changes. The argument to the event handler is a bool which is true when invert colors is enabled and false otherwise.
  • reduceMotionChanged(bool => unit): Fires when state of the reduce motion toggle changes. The argument to the event handler is a bool which is true when reduce motion is enabled (or when "Transition Animation Scale" in "Developer options" is "Animation off") and false otherwise.
  • screenReaderChanged(bool => unit): Fires when state of the screen reader changes. The argument to the event handler is a bool which is true when a screen reader is enabled and false otherwise.
  • reduceTransparencyChanged(bool => unit): iOS only. Fires when state of the reduce transparency toggle changes. The argument to the event handler is a bool which is true when reduce transparency is enabled and false otherwise.
  • announcementFinished(announcementResult => unit): iOS only. Fires when the screen reader has finished making an announcement. The argument to the event handler is of type announcementResult.


To remove an event handler.

See addEventListener for more details on supported events.