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Only for projects supporting Native Code. Requires the project to have been created using react-native init or ejected afterwards if created using expo init or create-react-native-app.



To be used with the sendIntentWithExtras method for sending text and data. May be created by the constructor of the same name.

external extra: (~key: string, ~value: 'a) => extra


type url = {url: string}



To attempt opening a URL. URL should be specified as string, and the method returns unit wrapped in a promise. Promise is resolved if the user approves the request (through the open dialog) or the link is opened automatically. If the user rejects the request or there are no registered applications supporting the URL, the promise is rejected. It is recommended to use the canOpenURL method beforehand, to verify that the URL can indeed be opened.

openURL: string => Js.Promise.t(unit)


To determine whether a URL can be opened by registered applications. URL should be specified as string, and the method returns bool wrapped in a promise. The promise will be rejected if it is impossible to check if the URL can be opened on Android or for iOS 9 and later, an appropriate entry does not exist for the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key in Info.plist.

canOpenURL: string => Js.Promise.t(bool)


Returns a nullable string wrapped in a promise. If the app was launched to open a link, that link will be returned as a Js.Null(string) value, otherwise Js.null will be returned.

getInitialURL: unit => Js.Promise.t(Js.Null.t(string))


As of React Native 0.60

Attempts to open the Settings app and display custom settings for the app, if any. This method returns an unspecified object (type any) wrapped in a promise.

openSettings: unit => Js.Promise.t<'a>


As of React Native 0.59.8

sendIntent: string => unit

To use Intent actions on Android for sending text to other apps. This method returns unit.


As of React Native 0.59.8

To use Intent actions on Android for sending text and data (to be provided as an array of type extra objects) to other apps. This method returns unit.

sendIntentWithExtras: (string, array(extra)) => unit

where the type extra can be created with the extra constructor

extra: (~key: string, ~value: 'a) => extra


To specify a handler for the specified event type. Only the "url" event is supported, which should be specified using the polymorphic variant `url. The handler should be of type url => unit. The URL can be obtained from the returned object using the .url property. This method returns unit.

addEventListener: ([ `url], url => unit) => unit


To remove a handler for the specified event type. Only the "url" event is supported, which should be specified using the polymorphic variant `url. The handler should be of type url => unit. This method returns unit.

removeEventListener([ `url], url => unit) => unit


open ReactNative

let windowHeight = Dimensions.get(#window).height
let windowWidth = Dimensions.get(#window).width

let containerStyle = {
open Style

type state = {url: option<string>}

type action = SetURL(option<string>)

let make = () => {
let (state, dispatch) = React.useReducer((state, action) =>
switch action {
| SetURL(v) => {url: v}
, {url: None})

let handler = s => s.url->Js.Console.warn

let handlePromise = url => {
open Js.Promise
|> then_(() => resolve(dispatch(SetURL(Some(url)))))
|> catch(err => resolve(err->Js.Console.warn))
|> ignore

// Listener will only receive URLs which your app is
// registered to handle
// https:// resource below will not be captured here
React.useEffect0(() => {
Linking.addEventListener(#url, handler)
Some(() => Linking.removeEventListener(#url, handler))

<View style=containerStyle>
{Belt.Option.getWithDefault(state.url, "No URL requested")->React.string}
onPress={_ =>
title="Open Repo"
// This will only work if you have registered myapp:// as
// custom URL scheme for your app
// Otherwise this will throw an error on the Yellow Box
onPress={_ => handlePromise("myapp://screen")} title="Internal URL"